Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Information Highway

I want to say here that the Google Organization has really expanded the information highway on the webb, making it possible for people like me to find any  type information that I may be interested in. Your Blogger program is really something. To be able for ordinary persons to present their ideas and opinions is fenominal. I would like to thank you Google for allowing people to blog. For Free. Your support personnel are great, providing information, and help, to people like me who are computer illiterate. Google, you do a great service for the public, and I thank you for letting me set up a blog, publishing my  post, and for making blogspot available. Anyone who reads this post be aware of what a great organization  Google really is. Thanks again Google.     BEdgar

Now where Google is the greatest information highway, Amazon also provides a great service to authors and publishers, and to the public. If you want to find a book, any subject, by any author, you can find it on Amazon  Both of these organizations provide a terrific service to the public, world wide no less.
Thanks Amazon

Now may I say here, I really don't understand what key words are. I just write what I am thinking when writing another post. I really respect the fact that you let me write whatever is on my mind. I really think everyone who blogs are stating their opinions and writing about things from their perspective. Everyone who read  blogs has the right and do form their opinions about whatever a blog says,  and provides them the opportunity to form their own opinions and they may see things in blogs that changes their perspective of the things written about. Thats the beauty of you letting bloggers blog. Put all kinds of things out there for people to think about,as long as the writings are  civil and not too provicative.
Followers sign up and please come again. Hope my post are interesting to you and you will want to come back again and again.
Thanks Readers, see you next post. BEdgar

Monday, March 29, 2010

Loosing Liberty by Eminent Domain Laws and Annexation by Cities

We are loosing our private property rights by cities using annexation and eminent domain laws to take private property for commercial developments, just to increase their tax base. City and County zoning ordances are  being used to restrict use of private property. Environmental groups are snooping around on private and public property to find anything they can to restrict the use of a property, incroaching on the rights of the owners of said properties. Environmentalism is rampant in many countries. Each soverign country should make its own rules and laws governing environmental conditions and problems, not some organization (s) trying to force their idealogical programs on the whole world. The whole world environment is much cleaner now than it was 150 years ago. Environmentalist have caused environmental awarness to be much higher than ever before. Countries, Businesses, and people are more aware of the fact that the environment is important to our well being and strive to be compatable. The environmentalist seek to impose their will on
countries, disreguarding their individual soventry.The world is not a group of United Nations, all nations are unique within themselves. Each establishing their own governance and conditions within which they exist.

I ask you this question. Do you believe that mans very complex  body, with all of its chemical makeup, its electrical circuitry, its brain that is more compex than the most advanced computer ever developed really evolved from an ameba that crawled from a swamp and evolved into a man or woman? Do you believe that the whole universe just happened, a big bang, and every thing that exist just flew into its very unique space? Do you believe that everything within and on the earths surface just evolved without any designed plan? What are the chances of that ever happening? a zillion, zillion, to 1. Anyone without any exucation, looking around themselves, seeing all things on earth, and in the universe, would not logically think that these things just happened, just evolved.

I, with my country boy logic choose to believe in a supreme maker of every thing, everything. That being Is God. The Alpha and Omega,the maker and finisher of all things, the first to the last. The maker designed the universe with everything in its place, and designed everything to be able to replicate itself. Every thing in control of its place within the universe. God gave man dominion over everything on the earth for his use. God did not give man control of anything above the earth, such as the Climate, the Atmosphere, Warm or Cold, rain or drought, the Sun or Moon, the Tides, Earthquakes, Storms, Dark or Light. What God did not give man domion over, man cannot change or control. MAN CANNOT EFFECT THE CLIMATE, CANNOT MAKE IT WARM OR COLD, CANNOT MAKE THE SEAS RISE OR FALL Man from the begining has tried to take control of Gods creation and remove even the fact of his existance.Do you believe man is in control?

I said all of that to say this. What man didn't make, man cannot change, effect or control, Climate Change or Global Warming. See my next post, Who and What is behind Climate Change, Global Warming, and the Green Movement world wide.

This is my Opinion from My Perspective.
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Are we loosing our Liberty?